Friday, May 22, 2009


Bring on the suffering!

I know, that sounds really bad; but in this instance it’s actually a good thing. It means I am winning. LOL

Ok… I will back it up and start at the beginning.

I am working on breaking an addiction. I do not wish for any thing, substance, or person to have control over me. My addiction does. When I first started to work on breaking my bad habit, I would sit and tell myself how miserable I was and how horrible this whole experience is. I had a realization. Yes, the withdrawals are painfully miserable; however, that suffering means I am not giving in to my addiction. I am taking back my power. My addiction is loosing its hold on me. With each agonizing moment, I am becoming a stronger, better person. Ohhhh it’s not easy. I have given in to the cravings more than once, but I have not given up. Progress is progress. I celebrate my successes and learn from my set backs.

BTW… for all the Nosey Nelly’s out there, I am quitting smoking. LOL ;-)

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