Friday, March 27, 2009

Routines and Rituals

I recently attended a class that discussed quadrant based fears and challenges. As the discussion progressed, the topic was addressed on ways to grow through these opportunities. As I reflect on the different comments that were shared, my own thoughts are emerging in ways to apply some of what I learned to my own life on a daily basis. I realize that recognition is a powerful tool. If I am able to recognize the challenges that I face as opportunities for learning and growth, perhaps it will better enable me to go through these struggles with a more positive outlook.

I am also thinking a lot more about meditation, routines and rituals as a daily practice. It would seem to me, if I can start my day with some positive reflection about what I hope to achieve on a personal level at the beginning of each day that I will be better equipped to handle the unforeseen challenges that we are all faced with on a daily basis.

If I start my day with a meditation practice to prepare myself for the day, it would also then seem to make sense to end my day with some quiet reflection as well. Both of these rituals would allow me the opportunity to see my growth progress, as well as areas that could use a little more of my attention.

I think self awareness is important here. I think without it, we take a lot of the good things that come our way for granted, and miss opportunities that we are given daily to learn. Life lessons will continue to be handed to us, why not embrace them and learn from them to enrich our lives and become stronger within ourselves? We will have challenges, that’s a given. If we can accept them with grace and move with them, instead of fighting against them, it would seem it would make those uncomfortable, stressful times less chaotic and hard. I would hope that it would encourage a more optimistic attitude through both the good times as well as the challenging ones.

As I ponder these thoughts, I am still uncertain as to what routines and rituals I will implement into my day. I want them to be intentional. I know my time is valuable; that every second wasted is a second lost that can never be regained. I think that is part of the reason it’s so important to live with intent and purpose. I believe I am worth the time and effort spent on these rituals to reflect on things and enrich my life.

One of the things I used to do when I lived in the Midwest was have a cup of tea at night before bed, usually with a good book. I have fond memories of that time as my children were all very little and usually my days were filled with the joys and chaos of being a mother. I remember as the evening drew near, the anticipation I would feel as my "quiet time" approached! I know a lot of parents can relate to that. For me that was a nightly ritual. To this day I still take a bubble bath at night to quiet my mind, and still with a good book! I still remember the positive affect that this simplistic routine had on me after all these years. I can only imagine the power routines or rituals could hold if I added some self reflection into simple, enjoyable moments such as these.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Integrity, Honesty, Truth and Character...

Integrity, Honesty, Truths and Character…Those little white lies are bigger than you think.

We are all guilty.

Deception is deception, no matter how big or small. I have never heard any one exclaim how grateful they were when they have been deceived.

There is a quote:

“Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your character…and character is everything.”

I am not sure the author or originator of this quote, but what wise words. As long as you’re living with integrity and purpose, your character has less chance of being called into question. If you’re living a life full of deception and lies, you must expend a lot of energy in hiding the truths.

I desire to have a strong sense of character. I want to be able to stand strong and proud with out shadows lurking in my closet. I want to be trustworthy to those around me. Trust, in my opinion, is no small thing. It has to be earned, is easily lost and hard to regain.

I only speak for myself. I do not stand in judgment of others. I have not walked in their shoes. I am not self righteous. I have plenty of life lessons that I have yet to learn. I am just a humble seeker of truth and knowledge, stating my thoughts and opinions.

Life is a journey worth living. Why not spend it with integrity and good character. It’s not always easy, but in my opinion, it’s always worth it.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Three Dimensions of Communications

It would seem to me, that in today’s world of technology and advancement, that the more forms of communication we have, the more complex communication becomes. There are three levels of communication; one dimensional (text, email, IM), two dimensional (phone or other forms of voice only communications), and three dimensional (in person, face to face conversations). These are the forms of communication that seem prevalent in our society. It would seem that each have their time and place, but convenience, time restraints and other unforeseen variables leaves us to not always to choose the appropriate form of communication for the conversation at hand. They each have their own strengths and weaknesses when used appropriately.

One dimensional conversation is risky because it is up to the reader to interpret the intent of the conversation. There is no tone, body language or much else to indicate the message that the sender is trying to make, so the reader is left having to guess what underlying tone is for the messages being sent. At the same time, it’s quick, easy, and readily available most of the time.

Two dimensional conversations are a little better suited for many conversations because you can hear the tone of the other person through their voice. While it leaves less for guesswork, there is still much that can be misinterpreted. It is easy for people to multi task with voice only communication, which leaves the chance for the listener to not fully hear what it is that’s being said. It would seem to me, that distractions outside of the conversation tend to be a little higher when you are not present with the person having the face to face conversation. Whether it be that your driving, cleaning, or any of the other distractions that tend to come along, it’s highly likely that at some point in a two dimensional conversation that you will miss something that’s being said or the tone it is being said with. Two dimensional conversations are an easy way to keep in touch when in person conversations are impossible due to time, distance or convenience.

Three dimensional conversations then become the ideal. You can easier grasp what it is that’s being said when you have body language, facial expressions, tone, and other clues into the intent and emotion behind the words. It could be the importance of stressing a deadline or an important topic, it could be an emotionally charged point that a friend or colleague is trying to make, or it could simply be just enjoying the chit chat between friends. It’s not always convenient or easy to make time for three dimensional conversations. They seem to last longer than either the one or two dimensional conversations previously discussed.

While all forms of communication are subject to interpretation by the listener, be it in written or spoken form, it seems that there is less likely to be misunderstandings with the three dimensional communications that there are to be with one or two level forms of communication. Communication has always been complex and intricate. With all the modern conveniences and advancement in our technologies providing us with faster, easier, more convenient ways to communicate, it would seem our communications are getting easier, however maybe less accurate as well.