Monday, April 27, 2009


What is fear holding you back from? Fear may slow me down, but it will never stop me. That doesn’t mean I am scheduling a trip for bungee jumping! The opportunity (for me) has to out weigh the fear itself. To tie a bungee cord to my body and jump off a perfectly stable platform into thin air just to say I did it, does not hold enough of a benefit to me for me to face that fear. I was thinking about all the times in my life that I have felt and over come fear. Some times I have had to consciously face that fear, other times, I have had no choice in the matter. Either way, I have found the greatest opportunities and blessings have come from those moments when I have over came fear. It has led to me being confident and comfortable in my own skin and with who I am. I am a strong, independent woman, and I believe I can do anything I put my mind to. I have determination and backbone! (Backed with brains and beauty of course! LOL)

To live your life in fear, is not to live at all. Sometimes we have to challenge the unknown to find out the opportunity and the potential. Life is an amazing experience with all its ups and downs. We won’t ever realize the beauty of the valley if we are too afraid to hike to the peak. Don’t let fear stop you from living the life you were given or to seize the opportunities that await you.

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