Monday, June 15, 2009


We receive gifts in many different forms. Some times they come in the form of blessings in which we can see the benefit of it right away and enjoy the gift we have received. Other times the gifts may come in the form of a challenge or a fear. When we receive these gifs, often times we have to face them head on to receive the reward at the end. I believe when we receive these gifts (the challenges or fear), once we get through the troubled times, the rewards are far greater than those blessings or gifts that are just handed to us outright for our enjoyment. Often times, it’s up to us if we face these challenges or not to be able to receive the reward at the end. I wonder how many blessings or gifts I have lost because I was unable to conquer or face my fear or felt the challenge was too great, so I changed my life direction to something that would be easier.

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